Closed-minded people put others down,
Open-minded people are tolerant and understanding.
Closed-minded people cannot see the good
in people who disagree with them,
Open-minded people see some good in everyone.
Closed-minded people mind other people’s business,
Open-minded people mind their own.
Closed-minded people are envious and jealous.
Open-minded people are contented and thankful.
Closed-minded people know it all,
Open-minded people realise how little we all know.
Closed-minded people belittle our cultures
and customs,
Open-minded people know the value of diversity.
Closed-minded people are suspicious and
overly cautious,
Open-minded people are trusting and adventurous.
Closed-minded people talk without thinking,
Open-minded people think before talking.
Closed-minded people think they are always right,
Open-minded people realise how easy it is to be wrong.
Closed-minded people like to judge others,
Open-minded people let others judge them.